Unlike Knights of a Round Table, Knights of a Polygonal Table deprived of nobility and happy to kill each other. But each knight has some power and a knight can kill another knight if and only if his power is greater than the power of victim. However, even such a knight will torment his conscience, so he can kill no more than kk other knights. Also, each knight has some number of coins. After a kill, a knight can pick up all victim's coins.
Now each knight ponders: how many coins he can have if only he kills other knights?
You should answer this question for each knight.
The first line contains two integers nn and kk (1≤n≤105,0≤k≤min(n−1,10))(1≤n≤105,0≤k≤min(n−1,10)) — the number of knights and the number kkfrom the statement.
The second line contains nn integers p1,p2,…,pnp1,p2,…,pn (1≤pi≤109)(1≤pi≤109) — powers of the knights. All pipi are distinct.
The third line contains nn integers c1,c2,…,cnc1,c2,…,cn (0≤ci≤109)(0≤ci≤109) — the number of coins each knight has.
Print nn integers — the maximum number of coins each knight can have it only he kills other knights.
4 2 4 5 9 7 1 2 11 33
1 3 46 36
5 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 5 7 9
1 0 2 3
Consider the first example.
- The first knight is the weakest, so he can't kill anyone. That leaves him with the only coin he initially has.
- The second knight can kill the first knight and add his coin to his own two.
- The third knight is the strongest, but he can't kill more than k=2k=2 other knights. It is optimal to kill the second and the fourth knights:2+11+33=462+11+33=46.
- The fourth knight should kill the first and the second knights: 33+1+2=3633+1+2=36.
In the second example the first knight can't kill anyone, while all the others should kill the one with the index less by one than their own.
In the third example there is only one knight, so he can't kill anyone.
3.1 构造、拷贝、析构
操作 | 效果 |
set c | 产生一个空的set/multiset,不含任何元素 |
set c(op) | 以op为排序准则,产生一个空的set/multiset |
set c1(c2) | 产生某个set/multiset的副本,所有元素都被拷贝 |
set c(beg,end) | 以区间[beg,end)内的所有元素产生一个set/multiset |
set c(beg,end, op) | 以op为排序准则,区间[beg,end)内的元素产生一个set/multiset |
c.~set() | 销毁所有元素,释放内存 |
set<Elem> | 产生一个set,以(operator <)为排序准则 |
set<Elem,0p> | 产生一个set,以op为排序准则 |
3.2 非变动性操作
操作 | 效果 |
c.size() | 返回当前的元素数量 |
c.empty () | 判断大小是否为零,等同于0 == size(),效率更高 |
c.max_size() | 返回能容纳的元素最大数量 |
c1 == c2 | 判断c1是否等于c2 |
c1 != c2 | 判断c1是否不等于c2(等同于!(c1==c2)) |
c1 < c2 | 判断c1是否小于c2 |
c1 > c2 | 判断c1是否大于c2 |
c1 <= c2 | 判断c1是否小于等于c2(等同于!(c2<c1)) |
c1 >= c2 | 判断c1是否大于等于c2 (等同于!(c1<c2)) |
3.3 特殊的搜寻函数
操作 | 效果 |
count (elem) | 返回元素值为elem的个数 |
find(elem) | 返回元素值为elem的第一个元素,如果没有返回end() |
lower _bound(elem) | 返回元素值为elem的第一个可安插位置,也就是元素值 >= elem的第一个元素位置 |
upper _bound (elem) | 返回元素值为elem的最后一个可安插位置,也就是元素值 > elem 的第一个元素位置 |
equal_range (elem) | 返回elem可安插的第一个位置和最后一个位置,也就是元素值==elem的区间 |
3.4 赋值
操作 | 效果 |
c1 = c2 | 将c2的元素全部给c1 |
c1.swap(c2) | 将c1和c2 的元素互换 |
swap(c1,c2) | 同上,全局函数 |
3.5 迭代器相关函数
操作 | 效果 |
c.begin() | 返回一个随机存取迭代器,指向第一个元素 |
c.end() | 返回一个随机存取迭代器,指向最后一个元素的下一个位置 |
c.rbegin() | 返回一个逆向迭代器,指向逆向迭代的第一个元素 |
c.rend() | 返回一个逆向迭代器,指向逆向迭代的最后一个元素的下一个位置 |
3.6 安插和删除元素
操作 | 效果 |
c.insert(elem) | 插入一个elem副本,返回新元素位置,无论插入成功与否。 |
c.insert(pos, elem) | 安插一个elem元素副本,返回新元素位置,pos为收索起点,提升插入速度。 |
c.insert(beg,end) | 将区间[beg,end)所有的元素安插到c,无返回值。 |
c.erase(elem) | 删除与elem相等的所有元素,返回被移除的元素个数。 |
c.erase(pos) | 移除迭代器pos所指位置元素,无返回值。 |
c.erase(beg,end) | 移除区间[beg,end)所有元素,无返回值。 |
c.clear() | 移除所有元素,将容器清空 |